

Many are familiar with Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

This verse is very common at weddings and graduations. You might see it on a planner/calendar or used as a quote on home decor. It’s very popular, but it’s SO true.

I have been and will always be clinging on to this verse. Especially during this time in my life.

And here’s why…

As you know, in my last post I announced the start of my business Note by Note Music Therapy. This was an exciting step in my journey. I was finally able to begin establishing myself as a music therapist! The next day I interviewed at a company who was looking for a PRN (as needed) music therapist. GREAT! During the interview they said they were actually aiming to hire on a full-time music therapist. In all honesty, working full-time with benefits at a company that has music therapy in other locations would be ideal for me. I wouldn’t have to worry about finances, insurance and all of the other factors of owning a business.

But what about the business that I just announced I was starting?

I left the interview feeling energized with the idea that I could be working as a full-time music therapist. FINALLY! The interviewer told me they would get back to me by the Friday of my interview (3 days). Now, almost three weeks later, I haven’t heard anything. I was taught that you should send a follow up email to the interviewer thanking them for their time and showing appreciation for the company. I did that. Then I left a voicemail for the interviewer a week and a half later. Still haven’t heard back.

I’m not writing this to complain or to show any frustration. But this experience (which also happened to me earlier this year), really has me wondering what God has planned for me. Am I supposed to work for a company or am I supposed to continue on with this business? Is this His sign for me?

Because of this interview, I didn’t really reach out to potential clients the last few weeks. What If I got the job? Then I would have to drop the clients that I already have, and that’s not fair to them. So there are a lot of questions, but I know that God is in control and does have plans for me. I just need to be patient.

For now, I will continue to work on growing my business. If this company happens to get back to me, we will cross that bridge when it comes, I guess. There are so many exciting things happening with Note by Note Music Therapy and I can’t wait to share more!

This week, I start providing group music therapy sessions for incoming kindergarten students who didn’t go to preschool. This will be a new experience for me and I’m so excited to see the outcome of these sessions!!

I will also be presenting to the board of a local company on how music therapy would benefit their varieties of populations including children/adults with autism and other disabilities, individuals of all ages with mental health problems or are dealing with crisis or trauma issues.

My prayer for this week: Dear God, I pray for patience as I wait to see what Your plans are for me. It is all in Your timing, Lord, as you are never early and never late. It is Your perfect timing. You know what is to come, and I will follow you through whatever comes my way. Amen

